We present to you the best means of preparing for the candidate driving test! This app is the fastest and most effective way to solve and prepare for 2023 Driving Papers. Until recently, driving test leaflets were perceived as something difficult and unpleasant, but this is no longer the case. We will provide you with everything you need to guarantee brilliant results from the very first time you take the auto test!
We have prepared for you:
● Most diverse combinations of exam papers of all possible topics that can be failed. They fully correspond to those of the traffic police and traffic police and are subject to continuous renewal in accordance with changes in requirements and Bulgarian legislation.
● Test simulation of test leaflets, fully corresponding in terms of requirements and questions to the one you would fail in the actual driving test. We've also included a time limit to recreate the setting even more realistically. At the end of each sample auto exam, you will receive your number of correct and incorrect answers and you will know whether the test was successful.
● We also give you the option to save a history of the exam papers you have taken so far, so you can track your progress with your studies. In this way, you can really assess your capabilities and find out if you are ready for the actual candidate driving test. Until recently, this was not possible and many appeared for the auto test several times, which is time-consuming and too expensive.
● A set of all road signs on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, necessary for the driving test, separated by their respective categories. Their descriptions are short and informative enough to remember them for a lifetime from the first or second reading.
● For the most inquisitive, we have prepared an online video course on all topics included in the candidate driver's exam. It will guarantee you flawless success right from the first appearance of the exam leaflets!
Download the app today and see how you'll be excelling at driving leaflets in no time!